Thursday, January 26, 2006

Umm...Could You Get The Phone--It's Ringing

Honestly, I would have posted yesterday, but when I logged on I saw a notice saying something about a scedualed Blogger shutdown at 4 o'clock. Go figure, I got on just before four. So I decided I didn't want to lose a perfectly good post.
I won't be able to post for teh next few days. Tomorrow I leave for to go perform in the Oregon All State Honor Choir. Two days of grueling non-stop practice. (unless you count meal breaks, night time, and the short breaks we sometimes get.) For the most part we will be practicing for hours at a time--taking an ocassional meal or water/bathroom break. By 'we' I mean the top high school voices in the state...supposedly. I know a few voices that aren't going that could have gone easily.
Anyway, I leave tomorrow morning right after the first period of school (just before 9 o'clock), and I'll get back some time Sunday evening.
Till then, keep it real.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

If You Can Read This,...Either I'm Well Educated, or You Aren't.

Which would you rather:

Coat your tongue in baking soda?
Drink a liter of vinegar?

The owners and associates of Blogger and of the blog "A life in the day" cannot be held responsible for any harm that might occur from such actions as coating your tongue in baking soda or drinking a liter of vinegar. If you do happen to be stupid enough to actually do such things because of any prompting you might feel you have recieved from this website, do not attempt to sue Blogger nor the owner of this blog. Moderate side affects may occur such as: nausea, sore throat, vomiting, convulsions, and even more stupidity. Take only as directed. Please talk to your Doctor before taking such actions as the afore mentioned.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Messanger

Here's another one that my brother and I took. Good times.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

"!!! 00 !!!"

That's right everyone. This is my 100th post. I can hardly believe I've posted that many times. (I really need to get a life.) Well, almost one year and one-hundred posts later, my spelling and grammer has dun guuder (hehe, that's a joke), I've gotten a lot better at just writing stuff, and I'm....(insert something cool, that came about by blogging, here). I'm sure looking forward to the next 100 posts. Oh, and my blog's birthday is coming up in a few months.
In honor of this hundredth post I will write "100" one-hundred times.

100100100100000.....wann'a go ride bikes?

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Is there really a better way? Seems to me that this is the best way I could find. I dare you to find a better way... Nope, too late. I already did.
So what is it about school that I despise so much? It's not the learning. I get really excited when I learn something new that makes complete sense. People in my chemistry and math classes think I'm a genius...and a freak, but mostly a freak. I love learning.
I think that it must be the time factor. I don't like to waste my time. I mean, it would be really cool if I could learn all the cool stuff without having to learn the other boring stuff. That way I wouldn't waste my time. Then I could get on with life, and do all the other things that I want to do.
The other time waster is homework. I realize that it aides in the learning process. It gives you practice at what you aren't so good at, and forces you to learn things that won't be taught in class. I just wish that it didn't have to be done. There are other things I would like to be doing.
Of course, this term I can't really complain. I only have two classes that give real homework, and they are both classes that I am really good at. So I'm not complaining about school right now. I'm just explaining what kids think the adverse effects of school are.
I don't know what I'll think of college. Granted, if I live on campus there won't be a lot of down time going between my classes and my living quarters. But I hear that college homework can be pretty tricky. Well, as along as I have God helping me with my homework I don't have much to worry about.
I'm still pondering that whole 'British accent first year of college' thing. I'll let you know what I decide. Laters.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Friday the 13th everyone. Are you shaking in your shoes yet? OoOOooOooOoOOoO. Creepy!
So I was thinking today, that's a lie. I wasn't really thinking today. But I can tell you this. IT'S A THREE DAY WEEKEND!!! Wow. I used to be home schooled. In those days a three day weekend was a way of life. A whole week weekend was something worth a givin' a shout about. Now I'm in school, and I'll take anything I can get. Just so long as everyone else is taking it too. I wouldn't want anyone else in the class getting ahead of me. Not unless it's Joey.
Joey is this kid in my Chemistry class. He got a every question including all the extra credit questions right on the test last week. Right now he has a 122% in the class. I did almost as well on the test, which gives me a 106% in the class. But what's more, this kid is a freshman.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at nor jealous of him at all. If anything I'm proud of him. He is a home schooler, a trumpet player, and a thespian. I've worked with him in band and on the stage. He is a great kid. And the fact that he is a home school freshman showing up all these public school juniors and seniors, it almost brings a tear to my eye.
I think I'll just leave it all at that for now. Laters.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


I don't know that you could call it insanity. I suppose it would rhyme better that way. But I still prefer to look at it as...eccentricity. So what if the whole plot is lost! I mean, I never wanted to write the thing in the first place. Seems to me there needs to be more doughnuts in the workers lounge anyway. Oh! And I'm still working on that sea-bass. I have all the forms ready. I even have most of the signatures. I just need to get one more signature...and a stamp.
Can you believe they changed the price of postage again? Now all the old stamps are obsolete or a waist of money. Hmm...I wonder what the ratio of the old stamps to the new stamps would have to be for the monetary amounts to be the same between the two. I could find out if I knew how much the new stamps cost...and the old ones(I didn't exactly memorize how much the old ones were worth).
Anyway, as soon as I have those things together, I'll be able to send in the petition, and the great sea-bass would finally be able to join the ranks of the working man...well, the working man who isn't working. After all, that is the whole point of a lounge; that it's a place where people can take a break from their work for a moment.
Good night ladies and gentlemen

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What Would It Look Like If You Tilted It Sideways?

First off I would like to tell you got weasels on your face.

I was walking home from the basket ball game earlier this evening--I'm in the pep-band as you all know--when I walked by the stream that flows past the High School. It's just a small stream that goes along the side of the road until it ends up in a pond in one corner of the town. It is because of this stream that there are two bridges that serve as exits from the school parking lot. They aren't anything fancy, just slabs of pavement over the little stream.
I was going home after the game when I walked over this bridge. I've walked over it maybe half a million times before--I walk to and from school every day. This time, however, there was something different about this little stream. It wasn't such a little stream any more.
We've been having some really heavy weather lately. It's hasn't been anything uncommon to Oregon, but I guess that the snow on the mountains has been melting as well. All of these things make for the swelling of any body of water within...who knows how many miles.
Anyway, as I was walking over to the bridge, just before crossing it, I looked at the water level. This little stream had almost reached the bottom of the bridge. It was gushing out like a fire hose. I was amazed at how terrifying this lovely brook had become. No longer was it the clear glistening waters I had seen many times in my comings and goings. No more did it sing with the joyful sound of beauty.
Now it was a raging force on a rampage of destruction. It thundered down around its shores with a roar of urgency.
But the strange thing in all this was not the transformation in the stream. Rather, it was the transformation in my perception of the stream. Or, to be more precise, the lack of change in my perception of it. I was looking at a stream that not long before, in my memory, had held all the beauty of nature within it, but now I was looking at something that had no perceivable beauty in it at all. It was a muddy, tumbling, yelling monster. And yet as I was looking upon it I stood in wonder at the beauty I was beholding.
I did think of all the houses that are located along this stream. In the past it has flooded and caused trouble for every one of those houses. I thought about the possible flooding of the entire uptown area, and still I was enthralled by how beautiful this thing was.
But that's how I'm supposed to be. Most Christians should know that as Christians we have nothing to fear in this life. We don't have to be worried by anything because we know that God is in control of everything that happens. We find it really easy to act on this knowledge when things are going great. It's easy to find beauty in the trickling brook. But when the rains come, and the snows melt, and the pleasant stream turns into a roaring beast that would as soon smash anything in its path as do anything else, then we lose sight of God. These are the times when we have a hard time seeing God in our lives.
It would seem as though all beauty had left the stream. In fact there was really no beauty in the stream to begin with. The beauty was in what God was doing with the stream. So why should God's work loose its beauty when the beauty isn't in the stream? We tend to keep our eyes on the stream and not on God's hand. If only we could look at what God is doing with the stream, beauty would be all we could see, even in the disasters and pains of flooding.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Here We Go Again

Reinstated due to popular demand: It's Kin! (crowd starts screaming and cheering).

Ok, let's get serious now.
Well folks, it happened again. This Friday evening and Saturday morning I was at another reunion. This time it was the summer seminary reunion. The same things happened. Faces incited memories. Jokes and phrases almost forgotten were brought back to life. It was really great to see all those people again. Though I was a little sad that the best friend I had at summer seminary wasn't able to come. He does live all the way up in Washington, so I don't blame him for not showing. But it still would have been really cool if he could have been there. I'm going to have to get back together with him some time. Maybe I'll email him.
Two of my friends from veritas go to Corban college and both of them were able to come to the reunion. I got to talk with them about the college and get some good inside information. One of our theology profs from veritas works at Corban. He showed up as well. I talked with him for a little while. He told me to stop by his office when I visit the college.
I really want to go there. Corban, I mean. I could probably do just fine at Warner Pacific or Multnomah Bible or even community college. But I've already spent two weeks at Corban. I know what it's like around there. It's a beautiful place (if you don't mind the great view of the state penitentiary just across the street).
Warner Pacific feels a little exotic and over powering. Just a little too much for me. (I'm probably just creating these images in my head based on what little I know about the colleges and what little I think of me) Multnomah seems a little bland. I mean sure, they have great bible, and that's not a bad thing, But I think I need a little more than that.
I think the locations are affecting my judgment as well. Multnomah and Warner are both right in the middle of to speak. Corban, though in the Salem area, is much further from the actual city buildings and things. It's kind of right on this hillside that looks over these huge fields. You can see the city, but it's still at a comfortable distance. It's a beautiful place.