I'm living in a new apartment now. It's the same complex, but it's a "four-person" apartment instead of a "three-person" apartment. This means that everything is either almost twice as big or over twice as big. My bedroom is almost. The kitchen is over. The bathroom is almost. The windows are over.
It's been interesting settling in here. At first it was a bit of a challenge getting all my stuff to fit with all my room-mate's stuff. Some how we made it work. It's absolutely incredible just how well everything fits. The few people who have seen our room have all said that it looks really good. We like it.
Most everyone has moved home for the Summer. Only a few of us are sticking around. Some of us are working. Some are staying only until they leave for another country. Some just don't have anywhere else to live where it would be cheep without any room-mates. It's an interesting bunch. It should be an interesting Summer.