I never thought that retreat week would be so...interesting.
The first half of this last week the summer staff girls go on retreat while the guys work around camp. It also just so happens that this is the week we have a christian camp for the deaf on campus. They are really wonderful people, and it is neat seeing how they interact with each other. Where it gets crazy is when I'm lifeguarding at the waterfront and they start signing to each other what they are about to do and I have no way of knowing if I should put a stop to it or not. The situation is rather humorous, but also a little unnerving.
The second half of the week the guys go on retreat--meeting up with the girls for one day in the middle of the week. I went into this retreat realizing that I needed to take some time to process some things, and intending to take some time away from the group to do that. Taking that time was easy enough because I was one of the only people awake for the first couple hours each morning.
We were able to use the time well; just being together as guys. We even invented a game using everlasting gobstoppers and a circular table with a lip around the edge.
The week was also a great opportunity for me to connect with a number of the summer staffers. God is doing a lot of great things in our community. And at the same time there are still some areas where we have some learning and growing to do.
OH! Some time you should ask me what happened on the drive up to retreat. Thank God for doughnuts.
Right now I'm on the mend from a fever yesterday. I was out of commission the whole day, and today I'm slowly rebuilding my energy. This week ahead of me is day camp. I won't have any campers because I am a "waterfront specialist", which means I work with all the kids throughout the week. It will be a different side of camp, and I'm looking forward to that.
Keep us in your prayers. Thanks.