What am I thinking? Alot has happened today. Little things. Little things that could bring big changes.
I had youth group worship team rehearsal this morning. The first thoroughly planned out rehearsal we have had in a long time. I had made sure that everyone knew when it was going to be, so everyone showed up. During practice we were able to get through all the music, and even work the parts we were having trouble with. Those of you who know what it takes to get a band to practice may think that this is no big deal. Well it is for this band. We hadn't been able to practice with our drummer for the longest time. Besides that, we usually have been going through each of the songs once, occasionally twice, before calling it quits for the day. This could be the beginning of a very good thing.
Later I got in a bit of a verbal tussle with my Dad. He doesn't take me seriously, so whenever I say anything that disagrees with him, and continue to do so, he thinks I'm just getting rebellious and cocky.
The rest of the day I spent with my friends. Just hanging out. We even went down to the library and read comic books for a little while. It's nice to be able to step back from life for a bit and spend time without responsibility.
And, on top of it all, I had enough time to mow the lawn. It's amazing what all one can do with so much daylight.
Greetings, SeƱor Butler. Surely you knew it was only a matter of time before I came here to see what your blog was all about :)
I'm glad things are going well with your youth group band; I imagine rehearsing more than once or occasionally twice certainly couldn't hurt anything. Hey, is there any chance you guys do any death metal? As far as I know, Vomitorial Corpulence is the only Christian goregrind band out there, and they suck. You know, just a thought.
I know exactly what you're talking about with your dad... nothing is more irritating than when people refuse to acknowledge your arguments based solely on some ridiculous concept of social superiority according to age and relation. There's really not much you can do, though; I find myself in a similar situation, and I've discovered that regarding their feeble arguments in the same way that they regard your own, stronger, arguments, only tends to piss them off and make them all the more thoughtlessly stubborn.
And, hey, I've yet to hear any of your ideas regarding time. I suppose I could just ramble on about it on my blog, but... quid pro quo, man, quid pro quo. Don't think I've forgotten =D
Yo, Kin. You have fans! Just remember I was one of the--thirds, or fourths, maybe even eights! I am seriously envious of your busy schedule. I remember the busy schedules--only now I have nothing to do but look for work, and the "help wanted" signs disappear as soon as I approach and go back up when I turn my back...Okay, that's only happened once!
Well Eric, the youth group band doesn't do any of that kind of stuff. However, I am currently a member of a band, consisting of half the members of the youth group band, though I'm trying to get out of it because it isn't going anywhere. Back to the point, this band does do a few... well, I wouldn't say death metal, but darker songs.
Anyway, like I said the band isn't going anywhere, and the songs that could have had potential will probably never see the light of day.
As for time, one idea is the fourth dimention. First dimention is an infinate line of points. Second dimention is an infinate amount of those lines. Third dimention is an infinate number of those planes. Fourth dimention, time, is an infinate number of those three dimentions. The real question is how do we travel from one to the other.
Basicly time would be the perception of decay. It's hard to go into detail in a small place like this.
There are few more but for the sake of space those will have to be discused later.
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