Saturday, June 25, 2005

Could You Watch My Cat While I'm Gone?

Well, this is it. The last time I shall post for a while. I might post on Wednesday. We'll see.
I think I figured out what I'm going to do. I am going to, each day, write in a journal so that I can put it all in my blog when I get back. Don't worry It won't be one massive blog. Hehe. I'm going to make the blog think that I'm actually blogging on the days that I was gone. Mua hahahaa! So there will probably be five-day installations everyday for the week after I'm back. Or something like that. Hmm... Now that I think about it, that seems a bit overwhelming. Maybe I'll just write every other day. Well, there's only one way to find out what I'm going to do. We'll just have to wait and see.
With that last sentence I probably made a lot of enemies. Or at least angry people who don't like to have to wait for information that has been left to dangle in front of their nose. To those people, all I can say is, "your loss".
Well, as my grandfather used to say, "See you in the funny papers."


Elaine Butler said...

Wouldn't it be fun to load Kin's post with comments while he's gone? We'll teach him to leave us hanging like that. Of course, his blogs are getting a little too introspective. You can only take so many blogs about blogging. Get a real topic, Kin!

Love, Mom

Elaine Butler said...

Your grandfather isn't dead yet, either.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but Grampa doesn't say that anymore. I get ya' kin.

Stephanie said...

:-D I'm all over this backing up Kin's blog with comments... heh. Teach him to be gone and not blog...
I never have camped at the beach-- but I was there on saturday and sand does get into everything! You'll have to keep me posted and let me know whether all the adoring multitudes found your undisclosed summering location or not... *mutters* I wish I had adoring fans... or at least a roadie or two...Have fun!

Elaine Butler said...

Just as soon as Kin left town, muttering about how nothing would get done while he was gone, Jon and (gasp!) Thomas started working all over the place. It's getting cleaned and made over like crazy. When Kin gets home, he won't recognize it. Heh Heh Heh. I'm really loving this.


Michael said...

Yes it was a nice thought to back up my blog with posts.
No granpa is not dead. But I haven't heard him say that in a long time.
Stephanie does have roadies. though they are self proclaimed roadies that never actually raodie at all. but they are there none the less.

Michael said...

And I would like to thank Jackie Mayer for taking care of my cat.
And to think, out of all the people that read this blog and call themselves my friends... Tisk, tisk.

Thank you Jackie.

Elaine Butler said...

You don't have a cat!

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe I would have a cat if people would feed it.

Stephanie said...

come now... that's just not good logic...