Monday, June 27, 2005

Wisdom Of The Aged

Day #2 camping:
7:00 A.M.: Ben and I jumped into the lake. Crazy? Yes. Cold? Not really. It was coming out of the water that was the bad part. Then is was cold.
Some items were left at the house by members of the camping party, who's names I will not mention. Thus, the ladies took a little drive, all the way back home, leaving the men to sit and tend the fire.
I learned all kinds of stuff from the "mountain man". Like, "jerky is for sucking on, not chewing", and stuff like that. He also talked about how the kids in his family, when he was a kid, would entertain themselves because they didn't have "t.v.". Apparently, fun stuff to do was things such as:
#1: Getting baby birds from their nest, stuffing a firecracker in their mouth and letting them fly off 'till "BOOM!".
#2: Catching frogs and stuffing a lit cigar in their mouth and watch them fill up because they aren't capable of exhaling, 'till "BOOM!".
#3: Taking a fish tale, putting it on a hook, casting it out for some unsuspecting bird to catch, and then reeling in the bird.
Yeah, I'll just stick to reading and blogging.
Poor birds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And they say TV promotes violence... ummm