One day there were three cowboys sittin' around a campfire, eatin' their beans and drinkin' their coffee. Frank says "Joe, tell us a story." So Joe began.
"One day there were three cowboys sittin' around a campfire, eatin' their beans and drinkin' their coffee. Frank says 'Joe, tell us a story.' So Joe began.
'One day there were three cowboys sittin' around a campfire, eatin' their beans and drinkin' their coffee...'"
I love that one. My friend told it to me maybe three or four years ago. It's always a nice one just in case someone asks you to tell a story. Start right into that one and before long they'll learn not to ask such silly requests.
I've been pretty busy lately. I would like to blog every day, but the time flies by so quickly that I come to the end of the day only to find the same post that was there three days ago labeled as the "latest post".
I auditioned for the musical that my school is putting on. I have been in a school musical before. It was The Music Man that we did two years ago. I was the bass in the quartet. Those were good times. This year we are doing the Rodgers and Hammerstein version of Cinderella. What fabulous part did I receive, you ask? I, me dear readers, received the part of...get this...Herald.
That's right, I am the herald. This means that my big line is "Here ye, here ye, here ye all!" There is more to it, but you'll just have to come watch the play to find out what grand news I bring. I'm not really disappointed by the part they cast me as. It isn't a tiny part. I could have ended up as one of the "townspeople". Not to say that being a townsperson is a bad thing, just to say that I do have a good sized part. I even have a solo. It's a good one too. But, again, you will have to come see it to know what it is.
November 17th--19th. Don't miss it. Laters.
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