You want posting? I'll show you posting! I'll post like I've never posted before! Have I ever posted before? Hmmm...I might have to think about that...
What was I saying?
Oh, Yeah! As I was about to say. It doesn't matter how long you sit next to the conveyor belt, it will always rotate at the same rate. That is assuming that no prankster gets into the wiring and hot-wires the belt for hyper-velocity rotation.
To day as a bunch of us were descending the staircase from the youth room at my church someone asked, "Why is it so cold up here?"
Seeing my cue I piped in with, "Well, you see..." and then waited to see if any of my friends would pick up on the fact that I was about to go into a bunch of scientific mumbo-jumbo. I really did try to think about it so that I could explain how the temperature control worked, but my brain was to tired to actually think of anything.
Anyway, it took about five seconds or so while descending that staircase before any of my friends tried to shut me down. I hadn't even said anything for five seconds and they still responded with, "No Kin. No scientific talk." or something like that. I can't remember the exact words. I don't know if Anna said anything. I know Stephanie did, but my brain has already created two scenarios in which Anna is and isn't saying anything in response to my comment.
My brain does that a lot. I have many different memories of one instance. And each memory depicts different character's involvement, and different reactions. Basically I don't know how things really went down because I have created a false reality in which things happened a little bit differently. This is why I claim to have faulty memory. I can remember something, but that doesn't mean that that's really what happened.
Don't get me wrong, I can remember a lot of things. But there are some things that aren't quite there. Like, there was that one time, that wasn't it...let me think for a moment...
What was I talking about? Oh well. Laters.
I did say, "Oh No..." I think that that was the extent...
Thank you for clearing that up. Now I'll be able to sleep tonight. (Sigh of relief)
Sorry to, 'Shut you down.'I read that and winced. I hate doing that to people and it's rarely ever my intention-- I figured the way you threw it out there that you were giving the cue to be told, 'No science!' So my apologies-- I shant let it happen a next.
Haha. DING DING DING DING!!! You were right. I did throw it out to get that responce. Really, I was just shocked that it took you guys so long to respond.
No more wincing. If I say anything about anyone that should make them wince, it won't be on this blog. At least not in a form that any of you will know I'm talking about you. mua hahahaa. Besides, I have another blog for that. j/k.
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