Wow, I never realized how easy it could be to not blog. But, it's okay, cause I'm back.
I went to a college preview at Multnomah Bible College on Thursday and Friday. It was interesting. Regardless of whether or not I now think I should go there it was a good thing for me to go to the preview. There have been a lot of things on my mind lately; things that I've been trying to clear up with God; things that I have no control over, and that I tend to want to control anyway. Being at that preview helped me to get back to God, and trust Him with all of it. I have no doubt that the struggle is not over. But then again wars are won in battles, not all at once.
I went to the dentist on Tuesday. I got the 'go ahead' from the Doc. To get my wisdom teeth removed. Now I just have to wait. The consultation is scheduled for the 27th of this month. The extraction is going to be on the 27th of next month. (I prefer the term 'extraction' to 'surgery') They're going to have to put me under during the operation. I guess that's okay cause I won't have to sit there for an hour watching them cut up my mouth. But it will mean that they are going to put even more drugs in my system. I hate the idea of putting drugs into my system. The most powerful drug I've ever taken was aspirin. And I only take those on rare occasions.
But the extraction must take place. I'm getting them taken out on the Monday of spring break. That way I won't miss any school or performances. I'll have a week after I've recovered to practice my instruments before any performances. Pretty much it's the best time to get them taken away.
I guess that's all about that. Laters.
WOW! that's freaky!
i only have 3 wisdom teeth and they seem to not be showing up on the outer space of my gums. hmmm, yah. good luck with that, i'll most definetely keep you in my prayers. :)
I could be crass and tell you about my wisdom teeth and the extraction experience, but I won't. It could set me back on all of those years of therapy for the trauma.
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