If I think I'm sore right now, I can't wait to see how I feel in the morning. Oh boy.
Tonight for our hall sectional (my dorm hall and the hall adjacent) we played ultimate Frisbee...in the dark. We had glow stick bracelets to help identify our team mates from our...not...team mates. It was orange vs. blue. My hall was orange, the other hall was blue. However, due to the lack of people who were willing to risk bodily harm (sports people...they probably have a scholarship riding on their ability to play well at the next game) some people from the other hall didn't play. The result was that a couple guys had to play for the other side. Eh, no one else was jumping at the opportunity, so I went over to blue.
It was really fun...honest. I mean, once you got over the sub zero temperatures, and the lack of lighting and depth perception, it was really great. Of course I took some hits for the team, made some dives (some successful, others not so much). And there were times when I just stayed on one end of the field while I caught my breath and either played offence or defense (depending on what end of the field I was on, and which end had my team's goal). It was really fun. I helped make some big touch downs, and I messed up a lot of plays. But hey, that's how everyone was playing. I mean, come on, it's ultimate Frisbee IN THE DARK.
On a completely unrelated note, my group is leading worship for chapel on Thursday. That's right, Thursday. Now, you might be saying to yourself, "But I thought that chapel was on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at your school." And to that I say, "How in the world do you know so much about my schedule and my school?" Anyway, I guess some special speaker is coming on Thursday, so we are throwing our whole schedule for the day through a loop just to put chapel on Thursday. And that is the day that my group is leading worship.
Which brings us to another point. It seems as though the 'special speaker' wants to take a little more time that usual. Thus my group--rather than running the usual 4-5 song set--is only doing two songs on Thursday. But hey, that's cool. That just means that I don't have to worry about practicing a million songs on the bass. Yeah, they are having me play bass this go'round. It's actually pretty fun. My bass sounds really nice now that I just put a new set of strings on it. It's been wearing the same set of strings for the last four years. FOUR YEARS! I'm surprised none of them snapped and killed anyone. Oh well, maybe next time.
Well, it's late and I have a sore day ahead of me. So, as 'Mac' would say, "Happy Tuesday".
Inquiring minds want to know "Who's Mac?"
'Mac' is a guy who lives a couple doors down from me in my hall.
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