It's a new year. A year with so much potential; so much possibility. A new chance at a fresh start.
Says who? It would be great to be able to say 'this is my opportunity to start all over again, and to make things right, and, and, and.' The idea of new beginnings and fresh starts is a nice idea. But answer me this: What makes January 1st a better point to start these "new beginnings" and "fresh starts" than any other day in the last month, or the last year. Just because the new calender is a little cleaner than the old one, does that make this year any "fresher" than the last.
Here's a thought: Perhaps the reason that many people drop their new years resolutions within the first two months of the year is because they had to pick the resolution that wasn't important enough to start the week before new years. If it were something that were important enough for the person to follow through with then it was probably something that they started before new years came around. Anything else is probably just digging toward the bottom of our priority barrel for something to throw out there at the party. Sure it may be something that you would really like to happen, but it's obviously not high enough in the priorities to have started sooner. Granted, there are those of you who do go through with the resolution, maybe it was even a difficult one to maintain. Kudos to you.
I don't mean to be a downer on the holiday. I only mean to be realistic. And the reality is, there is a benefit and a good purpose to this holiday. New years is a time to look back over what has happened. There may not be a point in trying to fool yourself into thinking that January 1st of 2007 will change everything that was wrong with 2006. But it is a good time to look back over the past year and consider what happened. Think about the things that you've come through. Look at the work that God has done in your life in the past year. Remember the friends who have come and gone. Remember the blessings of the past year, and look forward to the blessings of the next.
2007 may not be any better or any worse than 2006, 2005 or any other year. Yeah, today can be a fresh new start, but so can tomorrow, and the day after that, and the month after that, and the year after that. Any day can be a fresh start; a new beginning. It all depends on what you want to do with it, and whether or not you are willing to make a change.
God bless. And happy new year.
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