We're finally into the swing of things here on twin rocks summer staff. We've almost finished our first work week. It is really different being on lifeguard duty. Because of the weather it is mostly just standing around watching a few people paddle around in canoes. So far I haven't had to jump in and rescue anyone. That's a good thing.
During all my maintenance work time I've been helping one of the head facilities guys build a storage shed for the archery equipment. I've never seen myself as much of a wood worker/builder person because I've had too many of those projects in the past turn out...poorly. However, this project has been very enjoyable, and it's coming along great; it looks amazing.
My evenings have been pretty busy the last few days preparing for a worship service we had Tuesday evening. It was really neat to see God work in and through my accountability group (which was responsible for the service) both in the planning and implementation of the service. I had my concerns at the beginning of the process, but God quickly worked to iron those out.
It will be nice to have my evenings back--now that the service is over--so that I can focus more on developing relationships with the other summer staff.
In the last few days I've been told by several people how others in the summer staff look up to me, or whatever. I only mention this because it is a truly frightening and humbling thing. If others are looking to me and my example, then that example needs to be directing them to Christ. How is that possible if I am not seeking and following Christ? That means that the most important element in my relationships with others is my relationship with God. It can be easy to lose sight of that, and it can be hard to know exactly how to pursue that.
So that is what I need--to be faithfully pursuing and enjoying my relationship with God, and following Christ's example. Please pray for me.
God bless.
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