Saturday, July 30, 2005

Pit Stop #3 (Peace Is Over. Time For Action.)

Hey everybody!
I returned from the beach yesterday. It was a very needed vacation. It was just my father and myself, as I mentioned before. We had a fairly routine week.
7:00-8:30 : Wake up
9:00-3:30 : Read
3:30-4:30 : Walk on beach
4:30-5:30 : Kill time
5:30-6:30 : Dinner
6:30-8:30 : Guitar (I was a pickin' and Daddy was a grinin')
8:30-11:00: Watch some TV (At the very least one episode of "All Creatures Great and Small" every night)

The schedule varied a little every day. But that was the basic gist of the week.
Most of the time was spent reading. I was able to finish three different books in four days. I don't have any more reading to do for the summer assignment. Now all I have to do is write two papers.
But first. Today at 8:00PM I leave for TCL. I'll be gone for three weeks, only coming home from 1:00 Sat-3:30 Sun on the weekends. This is going to be a great year.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

It's A Doozy

Today I was getting ready for the beach. For those of you who didn't know, I'm going to the beach this week for a "vacation". (I guess that's what they call it. I don't know much about them.) Tomorrow my Dad and I head out to Rockaway. The rest of the family will come out on Wednesday. It will be a great time to have peace and quiet. I can finish the last book for my summer assignment.
Anyway, today was prep-day. Most people might prep for the beach by getting things together: Towel, sun-screen, umbrella, etc. I however went about it a bit differently. See I've been doing this whole packing thing so much these last couple months, I could probably do it in my sleep. So you want to know how I preped for the beach, today? Ok. Here's the big secret. I did laundry. Can't go anywhere without clean clothes.
I played a lot of guitar, sat at the compy for more than a few hours total, and even went for a walk. Since I mentioned it, (and since it's what I wanted to write about anyway) I'll explain what happened on said "walk".
I had been playing my guitar, and seeing that it was really sunny outside I decided to go for a walk around town, as I often do just before leaving from or returning to town. It didn't really matter what time it was, I just wanted to go for a walk. The dryer had a couple hours to go, so I was free to leave.
After walking around for a little while I remebered that the high schoolers from my church were coming back from camp today. I didn't know when they were supposed to arrive so I B-curved it to the church. (No. I did not mean b-lined, 'cause I didn't go in a strait line. I took the more indirect rout. The B-curve.)
When I got to the church, sure enough, they had just gotten back. I walked over, greeted everyone (Joy, Brian, and Carina), and proceeded to ask questions about their week while answering to inquiries about my own.
The reason I wanted to write about this was not because it was some big deal. And it wasn't to kill time, or to fill in a post for the day. Talking with all these people from my church was kind of weird. Like I had been gone for a long time or something. Almost like it wasn't natural for me to be talking with these people. It was like talking with a friend that you haven't seen for years. The connection is there, but you don't know what to say or talk about.
One might wonder, "Why such feelings and thoughts about friends from ones own church when they have only been gone a week?" Well, there is that week that they've been gone. And the three weeks prior when I was absent. Still, that hardly seems reason for such thoughts. The real reason for all of it is this. I have recently (this week) changed churches.
I had been thinking about making such a change for a while. Around six months to be exact. The only reason I stayed as long as I did was that I thought God hadn't finished using me where I was. At summer seminary I was able to figure out what it was that I needed that I wasn't getting from the church I was at. It's not that there is necessarily anything wrong with the church. It just isn't right for me at this time.
So basically I am mentally detached from that church. And, even though it has practically been like a second home to me for the last few years, I felt like I was in a place that was only part of my ancient past. I was talking with old friends. It all seemed so distant.
I'm really confused right now. And a bit tired from doing all that laundry. I'll be gone for a week. I might post on Saturday. Laters.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Not Such Wise Teeth Now, Are You?

I Don't Have Any New Cavities!!!
(As I mentioned once before, you can tell I'm really excited because I used more than one of these '!')
I went to the dentist yesterday. They said I had good teeth, and no cavities. I'm very glad because I really don't like getting fillings. All the needles, and the grinding, and the "uyah!". So I am very happy.
However, a great shadow was placed over me while I was in that dental office. They took a couple scans and discovered my lower wisdom teeth aren't coming in so good. In fact they are on a collision course for my molars. It didn't look pretty. It actually looked like it should be hurting right now. But it's not.
Anyway, they told me to let them know if I start to feel pressure and/or pain in my molars. They'll want to take them out before you know it.
The things I dislike about the whole "teeth removal" thing the most are the incisions and the pills. That and I'm worried that laughing gas could make it a bit difficult for the docs to do their work. I laugh enough as it is.
Ok, so let's go over this.
#1: Surgery: Never had one. Never want one. Ouch! 'Nuf said
#2: Pills: I have never in my life taken a prescription drug. I don't have anything against them or people who take them. Just so long as that person taking them isn't me. I pride myself on a clean record. And I don't think it fair to intoxicate my body after all it's done for me. 'Nuf said.
So this raises the question, "What was God thinking when he gave us wisdom teeth?" He of all people should have known our mouths weren't that big. Oh well. His good and perfect plan will just have to involve some surgery, stitches, and pill poppin'.
On with the show!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


We would like to interrupt this regularly scheduled programming to give you an update on the following situation.
Earlier this week the White House received a threat from some alleged "teenager" that the White House was going to be T.P.'d this coming Saturday. Upon receiving the phone call the White House operator was greatly disturbed. She promptly delivered the news to White House security.
Preparations are being made at this very moment to prevent such an anarchical event from happening. There have been guards posted at all areas of the perimeter. They have activated the anti-aircraft missiles. And the outdoor sprinkler system has been shut down.
Stay tuned. We will keep you posted through the rest of the week on the T.P. crisis. Thank you for listening.

Ranch Goes With Everything

How about another installment of "what in the world I've been doing these last few weeks." Maybe I should start with getting an inventory of everything I've been doing and everything I've covered already.

Camping trip with the Mayers: Check.

Summer seminary (Veritas): Umm...Somewhat check.

Counseling at eagle fern: kind of, not really check.

This last week: no check.

Ok looks like I have a lot to cover. Seeing as I kind of went over the summer seminary thing I guess I'll move on to my counseling experience.
I actually left to go counsel the day after I got back from Veritas. I only found out the day before that I had to be there at 8:00 in the morning. That kind of messed up my plans to go to church that day. Oh well.
So I got there, went through the much needed training. Or was it needed? I don't know that I used much of it. However, I did feel more confidant knowing that I knew all the stuff.
The week started rather slow. I thought it would never end. I had started to lose my voice. Cause I had some kind of cold thing, and was always yelling to keep the kids together.
I had eight boys in my cabin. Most of them were Christians. The majority of them were 9 years old, and all the rest were 8. One of the kids had his birthday that week.
I don't really know what else to say. I thank God for all the patience he gave me, as well as the perseverance. If God hadn't been working in my life that week, it could have gotten ugly. But he was, so it wasn't.
Hopefully he will continue to bless me with such patience as I am still around people. 'Cause let's face it, people are difficult to be around. Even the good ones can get to be a bit frustrating. I even frustrate myself. I don't know what God was thinking when he made people, but I do know that he has a sense of humor. So I shall laugh, and bid thee all farewell.
Ha! Laters.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Cat? What Cat?

Unbeknownst to many of my readers (or maybe they do know) I do not have a cat.
Yes. I know that I did give a misleading title to one of my previous posts, "Could You Watch My Cat While I'm Gone?". I admit that I may not have been entirely honest. Though I never even claimed to have a cat. I only asked that whoever I was talking to (if I was really talking to anyone in particular) would take care of what little cat I have. Which is very little...'cause I have none.
So I would just like to take this post to apologize to my readers for any confusion that might have been created by that post title.
No. I don't have a cat. And I am sorry for any trouble I may have caused. Thank you for listening. This is Kin Butler...signing off.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

It's A Bird! It's A Plane! It's A...Oh, Never Mind!

Yesterday I went down to the river. I only jumped in once. But I did get to talk with Jason quite a bit. Come to find out he knows my secret identity. I'll have to either swear him to secrecy, or eliminate him. I'll decide after putting him through a series of deadly tests. If he survives, then I'll have to "deal" with him. If he doesn't, then I'll consider the swearing to secrecy option.
Kidding aside, I had a great day.
It's looking like it will take more than just reading for two hours a day for two weeks to finish that book I have to read for school. So I guess I'll just do hours and hours of reading during my vacation at the beach next week.
That's right. I'm going to the beach. It will be kind of different from all the stuff I've been doing this last month. Rather than going somewhere to work for a week I'll be going somewhere to rest for a week. I don't really know how that works, but I've been told that it's good for me. I don't know what those people are talking about. Why rest? There's so much to do.
But again, kidding aside, I guess I'm looking forward to it. The peace and quiet should be quite conducive to the reading I have to get done in the next week. And I'm sure that I'll have a great time, probably eating salt-water-taffy while trying to get the sand out of everything I own each day.
Don't you just love the beach?

Monday, July 18, 2005

Are You Ready For This?

I've been getting a bit of flack about how I haven't yet addressed any of my experiences from camp on my blog. Well, for those of you still curious... tough luck! I think I'll keep you guys in suspense just a little bit longer.

Ten Seconds Later:
Ok that's long enough.

So I guess the first thing I should talk about is what happened to me at summer seminary.
First of all I would like to explain, for those of you who don't really know what summer seminary is, that it is not just a camp. In fact it really isn't a camp, Or even a camp experience. Sure it might have started off at Wasco County Fair-grounds with a group called Reachout Expeditions Who's goal is to take rafting, hiking, and climbing trips with people to show them God's creation. That might seem like a "camp" kind of thing. However, the only reason summer seminary goes on the rafting trip (which was totally excellent by the way) is so that these fifty-some kids have an opportunity, before having to work together, to develop relationships and team-work skills. That and, as I mentioned, it's a really fun thing to do.
But the point I was going to make is that Summer seminary is not a camp. It is, for the most part, one week in which fifty-some high schoolers learn from twenty-some adults and three professors about the truths of God and how we can better serve him. It isn't a cake walk.
There is an hour each day in which we sit in small classroom settings learning theology from college professors. Then there is another hour each day in which we learn how we can be more effective in our particular ministries. Then, after lunch (which is always really good), we have three hours in which we put together something within our individual tracks to add to the evening service.
The whole thing is a lot of work. Last year I went for the worship track, and played the drums for the worship each night. This year I went for the leadership track. What we did for the service each night was put it together and run it. It involved a lot of running around to find out what the other tracks had for each night, and figuring out how to piece it all together. Then we had to keep things moving during the service.
Like I said, Not camp.
Don't get me wrong though. It was great experience. And I had a great, and yes even a fun time. It's amazing being around so many firm Christians. It's also really encouraging to see so many at my age that are following the lords call in their lives.
I'll have to tell you guys more about it some other time.

OOOO! Pretty Pictures!

Okay. So I don't usually put this kind of stuff on my blog. But The "test" for this thing was so simple that it's just crazy how acurate it is.

You are nurturing, kind, and lucky.
Like mother nature, you want to help everyone.
You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.

A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.
You are good natured and people enjoy your company.
You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Stretcher Please?!

I really don't even know how it is that I am sitting up right now. I just got back from counseling at camp for the last week, and I am dead tired. I had heard, in the past, that counseling is a lot more draining than TCL or any of those other jobs. But I had to see it for myself. Turns out, they were right. By day two of counseling I was as tired as I was after one-and-a-half weeks of TCL.
Today, when I was still at the camp, I actually wanted to go home. I mean longed, desired, really really really wanted to go home right then. I have never been homesick in my life. I have been glad to go home, at times, but I haven't longed to go home that bad... EVER. That is how tired I am right now. I should probably take a nap.
I'll fill you guys in on the rest later.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Pit Stop #2 (The plot thickens)

I just got back from one of the most incredible weeks of my life, as of yet. I learned more about God, I learned more about myself, and I learned more about how I can start to achieve my dreams.
This last week I developed more in depth relationships than I did all school year. I was greatly encouraged by the large number of other believers my age who's desire is to deepen their relationship with God , as well as to serve him whole heartedly. It gave me a greater desire to try to motivate the Christian teens in my own area to deepen their relationship with God, and each other, so as to work together for God's glory.
I don't have very much down time this weekend. I leave again tomorrow morning, around 8:00 AM, for Eagle Fern Camp. I am going to be counseling for this next week. I don't really know what to expect. I haven't ever counseled before. I haven't even ever been to camp before last year. And that doesn't count 'cause I was there to work.
In one more week I'm going to have to start working on making a few changes in my life. I say in one week because I can't really do it until I get home from this next week of camp. I may post about those changes some time in the future. We'll just wait and see.