Friday, July 22, 2005

Not Such Wise Teeth Now, Are You?

I Don't Have Any New Cavities!!!
(As I mentioned once before, you can tell I'm really excited because I used more than one of these '!')
I went to the dentist yesterday. They said I had good teeth, and no cavities. I'm very glad because I really don't like getting fillings. All the needles, and the grinding, and the "uyah!". So I am very happy.
However, a great shadow was placed over me while I was in that dental office. They took a couple scans and discovered my lower wisdom teeth aren't coming in so good. In fact they are on a collision course for my molars. It didn't look pretty. It actually looked like it should be hurting right now. But it's not.
Anyway, they told me to let them know if I start to feel pressure and/or pain in my molars. They'll want to take them out before you know it.
The things I dislike about the whole "teeth removal" thing the most are the incisions and the pills. That and I'm worried that laughing gas could make it a bit difficult for the docs to do their work. I laugh enough as it is.
Ok, so let's go over this.
#1: Surgery: Never had one. Never want one. Ouch! 'Nuf said
#2: Pills: I have never in my life taken a prescription drug. I don't have anything against them or people who take them. Just so long as that person taking them isn't me. I pride myself on a clean record. And I don't think it fair to intoxicate my body after all it's done for me. 'Nuf said.
So this raises the question, "What was God thinking when he gave us wisdom teeth?" He of all people should have known our mouths weren't that big. Oh well. His good and perfect plan will just have to involve some surgery, stitches, and pill poppin'.
On with the show!


Elaine Butler said...

Maybe God knew that no one can claim to be truly wise without learning to endure pain. Suffering is part of life. Just because you have escaped suffering so far doesn't mean you shouldn't learn to deal with it now.

Php 4:12 -
I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.

I'm guessing when Paul lived, if a tooth hurt, you just pulled it out. By the time you had any wisdom, you needed those extra teeth to fill in so you wouldn't starve to death. Having your "extra" teeth pulled is a sign of how blessed you are to own a toothbrush and floss, and live in an age of fillings and orthodontists.

Besides, what are you whining about? You don't have to PAY for it!

Love, Mom

Stephanie said...

Voice of recent experience: it's not the incision or anything like that-- it's after you're home and all the drugs wear off-- that's the worst of it. ;-)