Saturday, August 06, 2005

Pit Stop #4 (that's a lot of pits)

First week of TCL is over. Yay!
This year is totaly easier than last year. We have a great crew of kids, in which I am the second oldest. We get those bathrooms, shower houses, and cabins cleaned faster than any TCL group that I have ever heard of. The consiquence to that being that we have quite a bit more free time than last year.
Someone brought the techno song "Fine Night Tonight". That was pretty much our theme song last year. It's a great song. And it's hard to find the version with the seaguls in the background. Bobby has been looking for it all year and found a few other versions, but no seaguls. It's a sweet song.
There was some worries that, due to the lack of there being Bobby and Laura (our TCL leaders last year), this year might be less fun than last year. Luckly I didn't end up trying to make Trever and Nikki (our TCL leaders this year) fill shoes that weren't theirs. I started off comparing the two groups. However, I let go of it and let this year be this year. I'll leave last year in it's own memory box.
There are 13 kids on Omega TCL this year. The girls are: Anna, Bethany, Emily, Linda, Megan, Jamie, and Kaleene. The guys are: Trever, Joe, Jared, Luke, Daniel, and Kin (me).
And as if it wasn't hard enough learning all these names at once, Jared and Luke are twins. So right there is the added difficulty of figuring out which one is which and then remembering the names for them. I think I found a way to recognize them. It's all in the hair line. They have exactly the same hair cut. However, the way their hair grows in the front makes them identifieable. Jared's hair is a little bit more jagged in the front than Lukes.
We watched the Newsies last night. That was a good movie. I've heard a lot about it, but I had never seen it 'till last night.
I'm looking forward to these next two weeks. It will deffinitly be a great experiance.

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