Sunday, August 07, 2005


I was just thinking. I don't really know what I was thinking about. I'm going to have to write two papers when I get back from camp in two weeks. I kind of know what one of the papers is going to be about. The other one is a bit more mysterious.
While reading the book "Jane Eyre" I noticed that it referred to God a lot. It didn't even put a bad light on him either. The main character, Jane, talks about how she knows that good things are blessings from God, and that bad things are just discipline from God to train her. Someone else reading it might not take much note of it.
It's kind of sad really. People can read stuff like that and not pick up on those little things that mean so much. I wish I could write my paper on something to do with the recurring theme of God's work throughout the book. I don't know how I would fit it into the criteria for the essay I have to write though.
We'll just see. I have two weeks still. And God always makes things work.

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