"If wishes were horses... we would have a lot of drowned horses in those wishing wells." --Kin
I have been really busy these last couple days. First I went to Guitar center on Saturday after helping a friends brother move all his stuff into a moving van. Guitar center is a pretty cool place. I bought a couple sets of guitar strings. I've had my guitar for two and a half years now and I had never purchased a single set of strings myself. Whenever my strings were getting old a friend would offer to give me a set from his/her massive surplus of guitar strings. (I don't know why my friends always get guitar strings in bulk. It's like they shop at the Costco/guitar center). So this was the first time I have purchased my own guitar strings. Remember that shed I painted? I didn't exactly do it for free. So I had some funds, and now I have new guitar strings. (How many more times do you think I can say the words "guitar strings" in this post?)
I also got a new neck strap. My old one is starting to fall apart. And by "starting" I mean "has been since a year ago", and by "fall apart" I mean "the thread is coming out and I could fix it if I had the time, patience, and enough black thread." So I got a new one.
It's amazing all the different kinds of guitar straps they had there. They had one for the goth (clips, chains, and lots of other metal stuff, all on black leather.) They had one that was made out of a seat belt. It even had the buckle on it so that when you wanted to take the strap off you could just undo the seat buckle. I thought it was pretty cool. I would have even got that one had it not been for the fact that the buckle was made out of a lot of heavy metal that would have dingged up my guitar pretty good.
That was a fun trip. I even saw John Ross and Tim Lopez (I don't think he is related to J Lo, so don't ask). Tim was looking for a new guitar and he brought John along to help him out. They are both friends of mine from Summer Seminary. It was good to see them again.
Well, that should do for today. School started so I'll be locked in this room a lot during the weeks. I should be able to post regularly now. Laters.
Regarding wishes being horses - consider the effect on Trevi Fountain. All in favor say NEIGH. This happens to a person who gets up at 4:00AM. They plagerise. May the horse be with you...
You need to sleep in a little later. At least 4:30. Otherwise I'd watchout for lawsuits if I were you.
Maybe I should have said,
"If wishes were horses, how do they fit all of them in those tiny wells?" --Kin
It works a little better. I decided not to alter the origonal draft for the sake of being honest with my audiance. So here is the new revised version.
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