I have a confession to make. Today I had four assignments due for four of my classes (that's one assignment for each class), but I was only able to turn in two of them.
I know, I'm ashamed of myself. I almost wasn't able to turn in both of the two that I did turn in. The second one I typed up literally 15 minutes before the class started.
I have no good excuse. No deaths in the family--that I know of. No major injuries. Not even some deep spiritual calling that kept me too busy to work on these assignments. I just simply allowed myself to become way too distracted.
It wasn't like I blatantly threw away my time. It was just little bits of time here and there, but it was a lot of little bits. I slacked off cause I didn't really want to start the assignments. It's strange how easy it is to convince yourself that you can spare some time for something when you really don't want to be doing something else.
So, I finally hit the wall. yesterday I spent all my time either in classes, the library, or working in a quiet room. I didn't even work in my dorm room cause I would probably just fall asleep.
This is going to be a tough term in a lot of ways. I've been learning a lot about myself. I recently realized that I am a terribly self absorbed individual, and that I don't know how to love people. I need a lot of help from God...I never didn't need a lot of help from God. In fact I need God to do everything if I'm going to change, cause I have already found that I'm not able to do it. I keep realizing that I'm messed up, and I keep wanting to change, and people keep telling me "at least you realize that you have a problem. that's more than a lot of people realize." I've heard that one a lot. And yet, here I am, still the sinful, self absorbed person I was a month ago, six months ago, a year ago, three years ago. I just keep running into the same wall. I need God to change me, cause I'm tired of being this person.
Pray for me?
Its not "throwing away time" its "Procrastinating." Also I have no problems. I am a perfect person. Just model yourself after me.
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Be patient with God. He's not done yet...
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