There are some things in life that I figured I would never have the opportunity to do; things that--in some way unknown even to myself--I kind of always wished I could do. Some of them I didn't even realize that I had always wanted to do it until I had already done it. Others I had known all along that I wanted to do it some day, but that it wasn't likely to happen.
Right now I can think of three of those things.
1: I always wanted to make a raft type structure and float on a river or stream or some chunk of water. It was my Huck Finn fantasy. Who wouldn't want to make a raft out of a bunch of debris and float around on it with pole in hand, pushing yourself along. Well, I wanted to. I'd tried to get some friends to help me achieve this goal, but that never panned out. Probably because they didn't realize this was such a big deal to me. That's okay, they weren't that interested, that's there loss. Well, I was finally able to achieve this dream a couple summers ago while working at a camp. We played this night game where there were two teams and we had to put a raft together out of a bunch of junk. We then had to get it to float all the way across the creak and back with everyone on the team sitting on top. If anyone fell off at any point the whole teem had to start over at the first bank. My team...was close to winning. Then people started falling off, and everyone gave up. I was still on top. So I just kept floating around. I went all the way across and back and had a grand ol' time. It was great. Dream complete.
2: This is going to seem really strange, but even though I always figured that I would never be able to go to college--let alone want to go to college--I figured that if I did go to college, I would have to get the full experience of working in the school dish room. That's right, I had a dream to work in the dish room of a college cafeteria. If my dad reads this, he'll probably think I'm a little crazy, but that's nothing new. Well, here I am at college, and I work in the dish room on Friday and Sunday evenings, AND I'm the janitor on Saturdays. Point made. Dream complete (or in the process. I still have to keep from getting fired ;-)
3: This is something I never knew that I wanted to do. I mean, I kind of always thought it might be fun, but it wasn't at the top of my list of things-to-do. However, tonight I found out just how much fun mechanical bull riding can be. That's right, I rode the bull, and I gave him a run for his money. The first time I got on it was pretty intense. There were a couple times I thought I was going off. So I just dug in and held on for dear life. I did alright...and then slid off. But the SECOND time it went on and on until I realized that it wasn't going to get any harder. So, I just slipped right off. It actually looked pretty cool. I just spun off the front of a moving bull. Dream complete.
'Nuff said.
1 comment:
Mechanical bull riding??? Shocking! I must tell Larry about this - he'd be proud of you.
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