So I'm coming to the recovery point of my crazy last couple weeks. There have been a lot of really positive things that happened this week. I've been practicing my trumpet and piano every day. My tone on my trumpet is getting so much better. A year ago I would never have thought that I could play this well. But the Lord has blessed me this year. He has given me the will and determination to make the time to practice--usually somewhere between 9 to 12 PM.
For keyboarding class I'm working on the part of the Moonlight sonata. It's coming a long pretty well. I think this piece is really helping me to work on playing while looking at the music and not so much at my hands. I usually just play parts of a piece over and over until it's memorized then memorize the next part until I have the whole piece memorized. So far I do not have this song memorized except for one or two chunks of the piece. Yet, I've just about got the whole piece down.
That last paragraph may not have made a lot of sense to a lot of people, but the point of it was; I'm getting much better at piano.
I didn't spend much time...okay, I didn't spend any time this last week on my vocal stuff. And that's not a good thing, 'cause I'm taking voice lessons...and paying for them too, ugh. Today my voice teacher said that he felt like I hadn't been practicing as much as I had the week before, and that he could tell cause all the ground that had been gained last week had been lost this week. All that to say; I really need to practice my vocal stuff more.
Tonight I have a rehearsal with a band that's going up to Washington this weekend. We have a gig up there. I'm pretty excited about that.
Right now I need to go eat dinner. laters.
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