Thursday, March 01, 2007


I would like to bring your attention to the front. Observe the object before you. This is a one of a kind antique heirloom of king Henry the First. Keep watching as I push it off the table ever so carefully so as to hopefully watch it shatter as it collides with the ground. See it float gracefully toward the floor. In one fatal instance its introduction to the ground causes it to lose all stability, structural and otherwise.

I'm pretty excited about a few things right now:

This Friday is Hymn Fest 2007. It's this cool thing the music department at my school does every year. It's held at a church in the area. It's all hymns, the orchestra plays, the choir sings and everyone in the audience gets to sing along. I would be in the choir, but I was asked to play my trumpet. I'm pretty excited about that.

I had an exam today that I wasn't sure how I'd do. Unlike most of the exams I've taken in the particular class, however, I knew--and I mean I really KNEW a lot of the answers. I got 102% on the exam.

Tomorrow I have an exam in my Worship Tech class. The exam is this. We are provided all the equipment needed, and we have to assemble a sound system. Everything from microphones and tape decks to speakers, and it all has to work. I think I understand the equipment well enough to do a good job in good time. I'm actually really excited about it.

For those of you long returning readers who recall "Veritas" (Monday, July 18, 2005) (aka Summer seminary) this will make sense. I have been invited to be a leader's assistant for Veritas this Summer. I was hoping that I would be able to do this. My hope is that I will be able to play a part in making this year as meaningful for at least one youth who comes as it was for me. Summer seminary played a huge role in my social and spiritual development. And it means that I'll be back in these dorms again this Summer. Hehe, and now I know the people on security. That's right Bekah, I'll be back. Mua Hahahaa.

Other than that, lots of stuff going on. God continues to teach me, and I continue to be really confused though greatly blessed.
'Till next time. Laters.

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