This was a really good week. The wether might have had something to do with it, but I think most of it had to do with the low stress level. Granted, there were things that needed to be done, and in a timely manner, but it all worked out.
I'm now at the part of the year where all the assignments spread out and things aren't as crazy. I don't know if it's a music major thing, or if it's just my particular schedule, but these last two terms have been the same in this respect: It starts out easy, get's really busy for about a month, then everything eases up through the rest of the term. Even my finals week isn't that intense. That's what you get when a lot of your classes are based on performances. All those performances happen the couple weeks before finals, and those are done I'm done.
This term I have a band/orchestra concert on April 20th, and choir concert on April 27th--both Fridays, both at 7:30. (like how I made that smooth plug ;-))
I think the mass social life is wearing me down. I'm the kind of person that likes to be around people, but needs some alone time. It's been hard to get much of that alone time what with all the stuff going on here at college. Aside from my busy schedule there are also all the activities--scheduled and unscheduled--that keep me moving. I don't try to do everything. There are pleanty of activities that I don't really want to go to (e.g. winter formal, roomies, schivalry dinner). But even when I'm not doing everything, I'm still doing a lot of things. Especially random stuff with small groups of friends. There are quite a few groups that I hang out with, and that leads to me not spending much time with myself.
This might contribute to my ever tired state. I'm sure it does. I spend so much energy on people that when I am finally alone I crash. Problem is that usually when I am alone I need to be getting school work done. The other problem is that sometimes my body doesn't wait for me to be alone before crashing. I've been caught more than once with my eyes closed in class. I wouldn't say that I was sleeping, but I might as well have been. My mind has had a hard time keeping up with all that the teachers are saying some times. It's really kind of sad, cause I like my teachers, and I'm interested in what they have to say. But I'm not able to focus enough to understand them. It's not like this happens every day and every class. I've still been learning a lot. And I have had some more focused days. There are just a few very unfocused ones as well.
I guess the point is, I need to make more me time. And by 'me time' I really mean 'me and God time'. Isaiah 40:30-31. I just have to put my hope in the Lord.
Well, I guess that's all for today. I need to get working on my paper that's due Monday. God bless. Laters.
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