Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Agitator

I feel like typing.
Right now I'm sitting in the lobby of a dorm that is not my own. I don't usually spend much time in other dorms. (And just for clarification, I'm in a guys dorm, not a girls.) The reason I'm here is very interesting. Two words: Family Feud.
Monday night my dorm (being a dorm with a guys wing and a girls wing with a lobby in the middle) had a dorm meeting. In that meeting we played family feud.
With that much information one could deduce a lot of bad possible outcomes.
We played guys against girls. The stakes: Laundry room all week (we usually trade off every other day), lobby use after midnight all week (again, usually a trade off thing), and a pizza party on Thursday.
Now things are probably clicking. Have you figured out why I'm here?
Well, the guys lost the "feud". That was Monday. Now it's Saturday. Tomorrow is Sunday. I only have one pare of Sunday pants.
The conclusion: I'm here doing laundry. As we speak my clothes are spinning around and around in a pool or water and suds. And I'm sitting here killing time.

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