Saturday, March 01, 2008

Leap Frog

So, I know I missed it--and that saddens me a little--but had I not missed it, this would have been the first possible post to ever occur on Feb 29th for this blog. The last Feb 29th was a little before this blog even existed. It's crazy, I know.

The next chance I get to post on Feb 29th will be a very different experience. I will be a very different person. Chances are--Lord willing--I will have completed my Bachelor's degree, and I might even be teaching music in some school next time I am able to post on Feb 29th.

I will probably have new friends. I could possibly have lost old ones.

A lot can happen in four years. I was reminded of this fact while reading a post written by a friend of mine. It's a good reminder that things change, and that things have changed.

In many ways it is very comforting to know that I am not the same person I was four years ago. I'm sure if I met that version of me I might think many things about him, some of those thoughts being:

My, he is energetic.
He is so shy.
He is so ignorant and foolish.
This boy is pretty silly.
He is kind of a short, scrawny kid.
He has some potential.

I think you get the idea. I am a different kind of monster than I was back then.
I wonder what kinds of things I would think about me now from me at the next February 29th.

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