Friday, May 29, 2009

Fear Vs. Faith

My time here is coming to an end. Thursday of this next week I leave for camp. I'll be working as summer staff for the rest of the summer. I'm looking forward to it. It will be a great summer.
So why am I so scared?
This is not the first time I've worked at a camp. This will not be the first time I've been a camp councilor. I have every reason to believe that this summer will be a success.
What am I so worried about?
Maybe I'm giving too much power to my weaknesses. Maybe I need a shift in perspective. I'm so busy looking at how unqualified and unprepared I might be that I'm placing all the focus on me and my abilities. As if any good that comes of my work this summer will be my doing.
If anything I should be embracing my weaknesses. I should be aware of them and praying earnestly that God will work through them. Paul says that it is in his weaknesses that God is proved strong.
Sure, God gets all the credit for the things I excel at. He is the one who made me the way I am. But how much more evident is His work when He does great things through my weaknesses.
That doesn't make it easy to proceede. I know that it will be hard. I know that it will bring new challenges. It's kinda scary because I know that I will be stretched and pushed to grow, and that can hurt or at least be uncomfortable.
But why worry? The Father knows what I need, so let tomorrow worry about itself.
But why fear? Fear has to do with punishment, and I will not be punished as long as I submit myself to the Father and seek Him. There is no reason to fear.
Through the Lord's strength I can face boldly and humbly the work He has before me.
I am praying for three things for myself: wisdom, humility and love. Wisdom to know how to react to situation. Humility to know when it is my place to react. Love for others that causes me to seek and apply the wisdom and humility.

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