Sunday, November 20, 2005

Swish List

Every year at around Christmas time and my birthday I have the same problem. I will have this list of things that pop into my head for a moment and I'll think, "Yeah! I need one of those." But when the parentals come around asking what I would like for my birthday my mind goes blank. It looks kind of like this:

Can I get back to you on that?

Anyway, this year I had a brilliant idea. I'll post my wish list. As I think of more things to put on it I'll just edit this post. Keep a close watch on this post. It could get pretty big. (Yeah right):

#1: Gloves...warm gloves...NOT one-size-fits-all-so-it-will-cut-off-the-circulation-of-anyone-with-big-hands gloves...warm gloves.
#2: Guitar strings (preferably new ones)
#3: New music (preferably in CD form and of Christian band(s))
#4: Knitting materials (my world dominations scheme is running low on funds)
#5: New long black socks. (the dryer ate most of my others)
#6: Warm slippers. (Preferably with hard soles that they won't absorb every puddle in my house while I'm walking around.) (I have a size 10.5 foot)
#7: Neck ties. (nothing dominantly connected to red. (eg. red, purple, orange.) these are not acceptable colors. Well, I guess as a gift I would have to accept it...oh well.)
#8: Hoodie. Meduim or large (err on the side of large). (preferably some kind of green.)


In the end said...

If I give you knitting material... I want something when you finish taking over the world.

Stephanie said...

'Preferably new ones,' *tsk, tsk-- so demanding! ;) j/k...

Michael said...

Hey, a guy has to have standards.

And we'll just see how I feel about you when I finally rule the world

In the end said...

oh come on! I only want austra... uh um... just a little something?

Elaine Butler said...

I'm putting my order in for WOOL. Socks, headbands, scarves, leg-warmers, sweaters, capes - it doesn't matter what it is, if it's WOOL. I'm spending half my days frozen, which makes it pretty hard to type. I think I gave Beth some of my best color-coordinated wool yarn, so you might check with her and see if it's doing anything at her house...

Michael said...

I thought this was supposed to be my wish list. Why is everyone asking me for stuff?

Elaine Butler said...

That's the thing about greed. It's contagious. One Swish List inspires another. I know, you'd like to think your list makes us think of all the nice things we'd like to do for you. But no, it just reminds us of all the stuff WE want.

Good idea though. Keep posting. But I hope this doesn't mean this will be the only topic for the next month.

In the end said...

I only asked for a continent! and that was if you took of the world! Gosh!

Michael said...

Well, sure I just got new ones. But a guitarist should never be caught without extra strings. Haha.

Stephanie said...

*blushes* I don't have any strings...