Friday, January 13, 2006


Friday the 13th everyone. Are you shaking in your shoes yet? OoOOooOooOoOOoO. Creepy!
So I was thinking today, that's a lie. I wasn't really thinking today. But I can tell you this. IT'S A THREE DAY WEEKEND!!! Wow. I used to be home schooled. In those days a three day weekend was a way of life. A whole week weekend was something worth a givin' a shout about. Now I'm in school, and I'll take anything I can get. Just so long as everyone else is taking it too. I wouldn't want anyone else in the class getting ahead of me. Not unless it's Joey.
Joey is this kid in my Chemistry class. He got a every question including all the extra credit questions right on the test last week. Right now he has a 122% in the class. I did almost as well on the test, which gives me a 106% in the class. But what's more, this kid is a freshman.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at nor jealous of him at all. If anything I'm proud of him. He is a home schooler, a trumpet player, and a thespian. I've worked with him in band and on the stage. He is a great kid. And the fact that he is a home school freshman showing up all these public school juniors and seniors, it almost brings a tear to my eye.
I think I'll just leave it all at that for now. Laters.


Stephanie said...

Ah those homeschoolers... never can be to careful with that type...

Elaine Butler said...

And his sister thinks SHE'S a Science Delinquent!