Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I Think There Is A Song That Connects To This

Normally I don't blog anything that isn't originally mine. However, I'm going to make an exception for Bible verses. This is one that my core group leader at college asked us to think about as we go into this school year.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time but is painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. ~ Hebrews 12:11

This is something I need to keep in mind as I start my college carrier, as I start my life away from my family, as I start anything. Discipline is necessary for growth. It's never easy, but the benefit is worth the pain. Righteousness is something we all need in order to grow closer to God. The Holy spirit in us is the only one who can bring about that righteousness, and he brings it about through discipline.
And I don't know about you, but I could really use some peace in my life right now. Not peace in the sense that everyone in the world will stop fighting, or at least stop fighting with me. Not peace that means I will get along with everyone, and everyone will like me. This peace is a peace of the spirit; A calm amidst the storm. It is in that peace--while the rest of the world feels chaos--that we are able to have joy in all situations. Joy is a wonderful thing.
However, none of this comes free and easy. It comes from discipline, and in discipline there is pain--at least for a time.


Elaine Butler said...

Yep. There is a song. It's sung by Bobby McFerrin (of "Don't Worry, Be Happy" fame) and his father, Robert McFerrin, the opera singer. Great Song. Great Verse. Great Truth.

Fencemender said...

Yeah - great truth! I went to the Academy of Hard Knocks and they have a great Discipline/Hunility program there. I'm back there for graduate work right now...

Michael said...

Actually that wasn't the song I was thinking of, but that song is the reason that I have the verse memorized already.

Elaine Butler said...

So you had time to comment on Ben's blog today, but you haven't updated yours. Enquiring minds want to know all about "Rush" at Corban.