Friday, October 21, 2005

How Does This Work Again?

Quick thought could be the solution to the plague of quick mouths. I suppose it really is true that often times when people speak a little too quickly it's because there mouth acted quicker than their mind. Thus, the solution to foot-in-mouth disease is to use your brain.
I have no idea where all this came from. I'm a little tired right now. But I know that I need to get to work on my Hamlet project if I'm going to have it done by this afternoon. The only reason I am writing on here at this moment rather than writing for my Hamlet project is so that my brain will be warmed up to just write. That, and I wanted to let you guys know how I'm doing.
The school year is one sixth of the way over. If you think about it, that is a big chunk. This has been a crazy-go-nutz week: Lots of homework every day, play practice after school, things to do in the evenings. It's just crazy. Then comes this weekend and all the homework I have is a little reading and perhaps getting started on a paper that is due Friday. That's it. I'm not complaining. I'm fine with not having much work.
I spent some time with Robbie yesterday. We talked about different things, and come to find out I'm not the only one who is surprised by the way other people think. After yesterday I'm a little confused about a few things. There are things that I know to be true, but the thing I'm struggling with is 'why are they true?' I mean. There are things that I should be doing, but why should I be doing them? For a while now I've been using the wrong motive. I've been spinning the yarn so that I could sheer the sheep.
I think I'll get going now. Laters.


Elaine Butler said...

Not that I have anything against recreational sheep-shearing, but would that be why you've been knitting scarves, too?

Seriously, I'd like to hear more about that particular concept. What is the right motive? What is the right means?


Michael said...

That's what I'm trying to work through and figure out.