Saturday, October 15, 2005

Today, Or Not Toda...That's Enough Of That

What in the world happened?!?! It's been an entire week since I last blogged. It probably has something to do with my Hamlet project. You want to know what I hate the most about that project? Well, too bad, cause I'm going to tell you anyway. The thing I hate the most is the fact that my teacher was right about it. He said that it was the project that students hate the most, but enjoy putting together the most. I wouldn't mind so much if he were only partly right. I would have been fine with it if I had loved the project entirely. And it wouldn't be so bad if I just hated the whole thing. But he was right. I don't like that. Not that I'm against teachers being right. I'm just against teachers being right about projects that I hate doing. That's all. It's like "If you are wrong, will you completely discount the necessity of this project?" That would be a fun wager. If I lost, then I had a great time with the project anyway. If I won, it wouldn't matter how well I did the project. Why don't I think of these things before the project is due?
Well, I started this post on Friday morning. Now it is Saturday afternoon. Within that span of time a lot has happened.
Yesterday I went to get my senior pictures taken. A lot of people think that you have to go to a professional to get good pictures. Not me. I have a friend who loves taking pictures and does a great job at it. So yesterday a couple of friends and I went to an undisclosed location to take my picture...over...and over....and over. My photographer friend also took several pictures of really cool things around us, but all in all she took 200+ pictures. Again, not all of them were me, but the majority were. That is a lot of smiling. That's ok by me. I smile all the time anyway. Seriously, in situations where most people would be complaining after a little while of smiling I can keep going for hours. I have that much practice. It's just natural.
We had so much fun. I was a complete goof ball the entire time. But that just keeps things exciting.
Today. Ah, today.
Today was a great day. It is the birthday of friend of mine. In honor of the occasion a few friends got together and kidnapped her for the day. I was among those people doing the kidnapping. (Yes, her parents knew that we were going to do it.) We took her to the mall and got her ears pierced. Then we just hung out for a few hours. It was great.
Now, I must return to my Hamlet project. Laters.


Fencemender said...

You got her ears pierced? I'm betting you guys didn't know how much cheaper it is to just use a needle and a potato, did you? It only takes one to poke the holes and two to hold her down, so you had all you needed. The mall, for Pete's sake! Next year, will y'all fly her to Paris for lunch???

Michael said...

Hey, that's a good idea. Better start saving up for the plain tickets.