Thursday, December 01, 2005

Only The Beginning

It's Thursday. School was canceled on Wednesday due to 'extreme weather conditions'. There was a little ice on the roads. So, after turning in my paper I had to wait two whole days to get it back with all the marks and grades on it. Have I ever told you about my writing problem? It seems that I am extremely good at writing A- papers. Seriously, I write A- papers. Never do I write B papers. But I haven't been able to reach the level that is 'A'. No matter how hard I try, it is always just beyond my reach.
So anyway, about that paper--the one that was written, lost, supposedly found, and then found to be lost again, and then written again, and turned in on Tuesday--I got it back today just before 5th period had started. I looked at it, studied the score to see what it was lacking, looked at the score again, looked through the paper to see what he had marked, and looked at the score again. Finally I pulled out my handy-dandy calculator and punch in the numbers. 142.5/150 . That equals 95%. 95% is the exact changing point between A- and 'A'. I had in my hands an 'A' paper. An 'A' paper that I had written. An 'A' paper that had been written, lost, supposedly found, found to be lost again, written again, and turned in on Tuesday almost one week after the due date. God had given me an 'A' paper. I have no idea what I would have gotten had I been able to turn in the other paper. I have not guaranty that it would have been worse than this one. However, what had been given me was something that had been kept from me for so long. Until this paper God had not given me the capacity to produce such work. Now, though it may have taken a little more work and a lot of perseverance, He produced, through me, something I have never been capable of.
Call it luck. Call it talent (I call it that too, but the talent was given to me). I prefer to call it the work of God. Some people say "If the God of the Bible is the true God, why don't we see miracles like He performs in the Old Testament?" To this I would say 'We do.' We see the miracles of God every day. We see him providing for the needs of everyone daily. We see him working in miraculous ways through people. Not only does He do his work, He does it in perfect time. Some may say that He could have waited a day to let my floppy disc fry. I say that it happened at precisely the write time. If it had been taken from me the day previous I would have had to cram an entire paper into one day of work before the deadline. As it was there was no such option. The teacher knew that I had a paper just that day, so my story was all the more plausible. I don't know all that He is doing through messing up the disc before the paper was turned in. But I do know a few things that have come of it.
He has tested me, and I have, through His grace, persevered.
There is so much more I could say. However, I'll leave it for another time. Laters.


Stephanie said...


Carina said...

hey kin! weird, i know. talking to "you" :) hahah.....hey! that's pretty sweet! i'm glad you give God the credit. makes me smile :). check out my's not as eloquent as's a blog :) hahahaha! ok...tyyl Michael Butler.