Saturday, August 27, 2005

ZZzzzzzzzz...*Snort* Whaaa?!?

Ok, first of all I would like to clear up a little misconception. When I said that I didn't know what to write, what I meant was, "I could come up with something, but I'm getting a bit A.D.D. just sitting here and I need to take care of some things. Oh, and I need to give some kind of weird bulletin to distract you all from my name." To be perfectly honest I could probably, given the proper amount of time, come up with something. Come to think of it, I did come up with something. In fact I thought that what I wrote was pretty ingenious. I don't know what all your problem is. I didn't have bloggers block. I did blog, and that, as they say, is that. Ha!
Anyway, I have been slightly disturbed by my sleeping patterns as of late. So what if it has only been two nights now that this has happened? I don't care. For me that is enough to cause some concern.
The night before last I decided to go to bed really early, 9:30. It seemed like a good idea. I have been getting minimal amounts of sleep ever since I started school last year. And I was going to go do some work for a guy the next day and thought that a good nights sleep was in order. So I went to bed around half past 9. It took a long time just to start dozing off. And even that was continually interrupted by phone calls and people walking in the room.
Eventually I did fall asleep. It was at that time that I had the longest dream I have ever experienced. I have no idea at this time what it was, but I do remember that a lot happened in it. Well, I later woke up, at a very disappointing point in the dream of course. It was still dark so I looked over at my clock. It was only 11 something...PM. I was really disappointed. I was dreamed out for the night. And yet, I had to go back to sleep. My brother hadn't even gone to bed yet, so my music was still playing. That was the first weird sleep experience of the week.
The second was this morning. I didn't go to bed early last night, but for some reason I woke up at 5 this morning. That was no problem, I just went back to sleep. However, the weird part came when I woke 20 minutes later. I still thought it was no big deal. "I'll just roll over and go back to sleep." Trouble was, I was still tired, I would close my eyes and let my thoughts run around in my head, which usually leads to a dream state, but this time, no such state of dreaminess occurred. My thoughts just kept going: Things I was going to do this next week, how I was going to schedule it all, what conflicts had arisen, how my work would get done on time. So many thoughts, and all so fast. Not the kind of stuff I had been thinking about the day before. I just lay there for 20 minutes thinking and trying to sleep. I finally realized that sleep was not going to come to me. And so, at 5:40 AM I got up. I don't know what to think about it. I only got 20 minutes less sleep than I would have.
Well, that is possibly the longest post I have ever written. Laters.


Stephanie said...

So you're getting rest from mininal sleep... I'm not getting enough sleep! Latley I've felt like I can't suck in enough of the stuff...Here's to odd sleep!

Michael said...

Some times I feel like I would like more sleep, But I only give myself the minimal 6-8 hours. Wow! I never thought about it, that's only one quarter of the day. Anyway, I can't stand sleeping in.

In the end said...

I used to have trouble sleeping. Then I started going to bed at like 11:30 or so and I got a full nights sleep, waking up at 6 or 7. and I'm wide awake the next day.

Elaine Butler said...

There may be some weather patterns affecting sleep last week, as your Dad and I had similar problems. The problem with sleep (and the advantage) is that it's so out of control!
