Saturday, July 09, 2005

Pit Stop #2 (The plot thickens)

I just got back from one of the most incredible weeks of my life, as of yet. I learned more about God, I learned more about myself, and I learned more about how I can start to achieve my dreams.
This last week I developed more in depth relationships than I did all school year. I was greatly encouraged by the large number of other believers my age who's desire is to deepen their relationship with God , as well as to serve him whole heartedly. It gave me a greater desire to try to motivate the Christian teens in my own area to deepen their relationship with God, and each other, so as to work together for God's glory.
I don't have very much down time this weekend. I leave again tomorrow morning, around 8:00 AM, for Eagle Fern Camp. I am going to be counseling for this next week. I don't really know what to expect. I haven't ever counseled before. I haven't even ever been to camp before last year. And that doesn't count 'cause I was there to work.
In one more week I'm going to have to start working on making a few changes in my life. I say in one week because I can't really do it until I get home from this next week of camp. I may post about those changes some time in the future. We'll just wait and see.

1 comment:

Elaine Butler said...

Looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in and through you this year. I'm glad you had such a great time at Veritas (Summer Seminary).