Friday, May 13, 2005

Mop Top

I have just had a moment of happiness. To explain this I am going to have to explain a few other things.
The first thing that must be understood is that in my family, consisting of my parents and a few (Cough) six (Cough) kids, my mother does all the barbering. She isn't exactly a "fashion stylist", but she does a good job. It is for this reason that she acquired special "hair cutting" scissors. These scissors have become an important item in this house hold, sadly. On a few occasions they have even disappeared (usually into my sisters room). So it was kind of a big deal when these scissors went missing... permanently.
Several expeditions were sent into my sisters room to find them, and none returned. Okay, maybe I did make it out alive. But I didn't have the scissors. It was eventually assumed that they might have fallen into the trash, and been thrown away.
Sufficed to say, we didn't have hair cuts for a while. We did try using a pair of regular scissors, but it just didn't do the job.
On this very night I was going to have my mother give me another hair cut, with regular scissors if necessary. It was upon asking my mother if she would be so kind as to do such a thing that she mentioned THE scissors.
Come to find out They really were in my sisters room. (It wasn't like I was going to search the whole room.) And so, I rejoice. For tonight my hair will be tamed again. MUAHAHAHA.

Attention: 19 days of school left!!
Senior count: 14 days!!

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