Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything = 42!

I would like to start this blog by saying
"True musicians don't have houses. They have pads." - Leon Cotter
That having been made clear I can, with a clear conscience say that the next few days are going to be great. Yesterday I gave my presentation for my English class. It was after school, so the only one there was Mrs. Schulfer. It was the first time I had ever put a power point presentation together.
Uh oh. I'm beginning to think I may have already blogged about this. Oh well.
Something I know I haven't blogged about, I got the official notice in the mail today. I am going to be on Omega TCL this summer. The only other person that is going to be coming back from last year is Linda. But that's cool, for two reasons.
#1: It's great getting to meet new people, especially at TCL. I'm sure if the whole thing was the same people as last year that it wouldn't take as long for us to be at each other's throats. That and it could be great to meet more people who really believe in God with all their heart. It's just awesome being around so many real Christians.
#B: Linda is really cool. So her being there is going to be great in itself.
Today I went through my dresser drawers. I'm one of those people that has a couple of drawers for clothes, but all the rest are for stuff. Different things: Things I use, things I don't use, things I might use. So the junk drawers were the ones I attacked today. I've gone through them in the past with very little success in actually getting rid of much. I'm also one of those sentimental people who thinks that they have to save everything... just in case. So I went to it today thinking I may not throw anything away, but at least I'll be able to see what's in there. So I went at it, and low and behold I found myself able to just throw stuff out. This is a big deal for me. I'm a very possessive person. That possessiveness is something I have been asking God to take away. So this whole thing is very good news. It shows me that even when I'm not taking conscious steps towards being the kind of person I want to be, God is working me through my faults.
That's another cool thing I have learned from this year in school. As I became closer to God, and as I continued to develop my relationship with him, I found myself looking less at the tragedies and good times in my life, and looking more at how God was working in my life. Whether he was working through the things that I thought were just the bad things that happen to some people, or the blessings that 'I surely deserved'. Now I'm able to look at just about anything in my life, even past experiences, and see that God really does have a plan that works out great, in some way or another.
Now, I realize that those of you who read this blog may think that I've been doing a lot of preaching lately. But really, for the most part, I've just been trying to get all this stuff in writing so that some day I can look back and remember where it all started. I don't mind you guys reading it. Actually I do have an underlying hope that maybe my words might be of some encouragement to anyone reading this. But I'm not preaching. I've just been seeing so much of God lately that he is what I end up writing about. I'm sure you can understand. If you were to find yourself in love with someone, and that person was all you thought about most of the day, you'd probably write about that person a lot. That's all I'm doing.
And yes, for you literalistic people, I am say that I'm in love with God. Not in a physical sense, but in a spiritual sense. And I do think about him a lot throughout my day.
Wow! I think I'm finally beginning to understand your blogging a bit better Eric. It's like no matter how hard I try to keep it short the thing just mutates into this oversize monster. I'm a little worried that the length of my blogs will begin to scare away the few people that are actually interested in my blog. Oh well. Their loss. Or not. They could probably find better things to do with their time.

Attention: Days of school left, 2!
actually it's more like 1 1/2 days, because we don't have a whole day of school on Friday.

How do you do that inverted exclamation point, Eric? It's been buggin' me for the longest time.


Eric said...

My God, man, you're a posting machine! It's hard enough for me to keep up with my own posts... and then I come here after only a few days and there is so much to read! You've my utmost respect for it, because there's no way I could be so dedicated to blogging... I've the addiction, of course, but I lack the dedication to satisfy it. Strange stuff, yeah?
22. I used the find option, and you used the word "God" twenty-two times on the visible posts alone... in which case, you must love God a lot. A LOT. I hope that some day I am half as in touch with the religion to which I, rightfully or wrongfully, claim to belong. I'm afraid to run the search on my blog, because surely I only use "God" once or twice and never actually in reference to God... so yeah, I suck.
And hey, I imagined it would only be a matter of time before people started getting curious about the enigmatic and powerful inverted exclamation point. ¡The power! ¡The passion! ¡The sheer genius and brilliance of Spanish punctuation! I could reveal its mysteries to you, but alas, I would have kill you. Brutally. But I joke. So here it is:
It actually varies from computer to computer... on this one, I can hold down Alt and hit 0-1-6-1 on the NumPad, but on the ones at school you have to use 0-1-4-1. Yours could be different as well, so I would suggest going to Word and using the insert symbol option. The shortcut should be shown there. If nothing else, you can always just copy and paste the character from somewhere else, such as glorious blogs that belong to really awesome people who use the Spanish inverted exclamation point. Perhaps, someday, these short-sighted American fools will see fit to manufacture keyboards with an extra key... primarily to make available the "¡", but perhaps the "ñ" as well (because hey, there is the shift key).
Thanks for indirectly characterizing my blog as "monstrous", and by the way, what the hell is Omega TCL (read that again, 'cause it rhymes =D )?

Michael said...

TCL is a summer program at Eagle Fern Camp. It stands for Training Christian Leaders. Although the one year my brother did it he called it Toilet Cleaning Losers, primarily because it is basicly a janitorial position, but there is so much more to it than that. Sadly my brother was not able to see past the dirt and grime on the toilet seats.
There are two sessions to this program: Alpha and Omega. The first one runs for the first three weeks in July (Alpha). The second spans the first three weeks in August (Omega).
And to compleatly answer your question, Eric, it isn't hell. Though it may be physicaly strainning, I can most assuredly tell you that it is far from hell.
Ok, that was major exclamaition point, and inverted exclamation point, abuse, I know. But it felt like the right thing to do at the time.
Darn! Now you've got me curious about that "enya" (I don't know how to spell it, I only know how to pronounce it.)